Friday, July 24, 2015

7.24.15 new site

cum by the new site
soooo much to  see


  1. Replies
    1. To expensive, I don't know what to do u.u

    2. This really was disappointing, she might change her mind after seeing this comment, especially from you.

  2. Can you setup a lifetime sub thingy? So we can pay like $100 to get get lifetime access to new material?

  3. Sweet Jebus! This is hot, but the B&W thing has gots to go for $50. I just can't fap in monotone. Hell I can't even sit through the first part of the Wizard of Oz.

    Change this to color and you have my money. =)

  4. Please.... More porn-no!!!! Please little beth!!!

  5. Love the Vault vids. I know theirs a learning curve and you need time to get the hang of it. So for the 50 bucks i am more than willing to pay to see beth.
    I'd like to see:
    1.Color vids
    2.More content
    3.Longer vids.
    4.Wide shots & Close ups of beth.
    5.Solo play with toys
    6.Audio of her talking dirty
    7.More Beth.

  6. $50 for one vid, huh? I'm glad to see you finally doing what you know we've all been waiting for but you might have better success with a subscription service. Just a thought. 😉
